Monday, February 28, 2011

Update - 1March2011

Good morning all. Here all is well. I am now into routine with the two and getting the hang of things.
They were weigh yesterday and both are growing good. Nika is now 3.26kg and Lane 2.75kg. They are getting bigger by the day. You guys are welcome to visit if you are healthy. Please even if you only has a runny nose, get better first before visiting, the two's immune systems are still not to good and we don't want them to get sick. Feeding times are 8hoo, 11h00, 14h00 and 17h00 AND help is always welcome!!! ;-)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Photos and update - 2months

Sorry for the no news lately things were and is still hectic. The two girls were 2months last Wednesday and are getting bigger by the day. OK they are still small in comparison to other babies, but they are much bigger than what they were. I will try my best to post some news everyday. They sleep well through the night but through the day I struggle to get them so sleep. We still have to give them milk every 3hours for they are still under 3kg. Last week Tuesday, the 15February Nika was 2.74kg and Lane 2.38kg.
Here are some photos:
                                                           Nika left, Lane right

                                                                            Nika left, Lane right

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Home at last

Both girls are home at last!! It is very busy and we don't get much sleep in. Will post some photos once we are settled in.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Update Sunday 6 February

What a week. I had really a terrible week and I am sure it can only go better.
Nika is doing good at home, mom and dad is still getting use to the whole baby thing.
Lane is also doing much better. They would have put some clothes on for her today, so hopefully just a day or two then she is also home. Will keep you updated.
Friday she weigh 1.98kg.