Sunday, January 30, 2011

UPDATE 30 January 2011

Well much have happen since my last update. Sorry guys for the silence, things were busy the last few days.
I board in the hospital on Thursday evening to get my classes in raising babies and on Friday Nika came home. Friday night was rough and we didn't really sleep, Nika was crying the whole night. Last night was much better and we feel like people today again. Once Lane is home and we are ready for visitors I will let you guys now, but for now just stay reading the blog. Lane is still in hospital and she is doing ok. She is on oxygen again till the doctor can figure out why she is desucturating. It is hectic with one baby at home and the other in hospital, but with the power God give us we will come through this trial times.
If I do not post to often just know it is hectic on this side. Will try to keep you up to date as regularly as possible.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Photos and update 25January 2010 6h00

Things are going very well with the two and it won't be long now before they can come home.
Nika is on full feedings and Lane will be there today. Both of their drips are out and they only have their monitors still on.
Here are some photos.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lane wide awake

24 January 2010 Update 6h00

Today was their planned birth day. They are doing good. Nika is on full feedings (45ml) and getting most of her feeds per bottle. She is now 2.47kg and her broviac is being taken out today and then she can be dressed.
Lane is nearly on full feedings, she gets 25ml and her full feedings is 35ml. She gained 20grams again and weigh now 1.89kg. Her antibiotics have been stopped yesterday and as soon as she is on her full feedings her drip can also be taken out and be dressed.
I believe they will be coming home on Friday, however I will keep you updated.
                                                               Mom and Nika

Nika sleeping

Thursday, January 20, 2011

21 January 2011 Update

The two are drinking their bottle. Lane is now 1.87kg, she lost 60gram due to the energy they use to drink bottle and Nika is now 2.44kg. However, Nika was still on ITN which is some extra food which have been stopped now, so she are also going to loose some weight over the next few days.
Lane is on 25ml milk and Nika on 20ml. That will probably go up to 30ml and 25ml today.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

5Weeks - 20 January 2011

The girls are 5weeks today. Time is really flying! They are good with drinking their bottles and their milk are also getting more by the day. Nika is now on 15ml every two hours and that will probably go up to 20ml today and Lane is on 20ml every 3hours and that will probably go up to 25ml today. If everything stays to go so well it will hopefully not be to long now before they can come home.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

19January 6h00 update

Yesterday went well, they drank bottle for the first time and did it very good. Mom and dad are very proud of the girls. Both of them are now on special milk for the moment....Neocate, just to get them going then they will go back on breast milk. Nika is now 2.42kg and is gaining weight quickly and Lane is 1.93kg and is also doing well considering she did not get food for 2 days because of her infection.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Update 17 January 6h00

Lane is doing better. She got blood through the night and this morning she got colour again. They will hopefully start with her milk again this morning, for she is hungry.
Lane is 1.9kg and Nika 2.36kg. They are nicely gaining weight now.

1Month old - 16 January 2011

The two are one month today. Unfortunately it is not such a good day for Lane. She got sick with an infection during the night again. She is back on antibiotics and they had to stop her milk again. She is also going to get blood tonight.
With Nika it is going well and she is still on 10ml milk per hour.
Please pray that Lane will get well soon and back on track on coming home and that they will not get infections again.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

New photos

Here are new photos of Nika and Lane! It is cellphone photos, so the photos are not of the best quality!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

14 January 2011 Update

The two are gaining weight by the day! Nika is now 2.28kg and Lane 1.77kg. One of these days Nika is going to be a 3kg baby. They are still doing well with their milk and are getting 10ml and 9ml per hour, respectively.
Will post some photos again shortly.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

4Weeks old - 13Jan2011

The little ones are 4 weeks old today. They just get cuter by the day.
Things are going well. Nika is on 9.5ml milk per hour en Lane 8ml milk per hour.
My feeling is that they are going to come home in approximately 2weeks time, we will hear what say the doctor this afternoon and it depends on how it goes with their feeding as well.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

12 January 2011 6h00 update

All is well with the two little ones. Nika is 2.18kg and Lane 1.73kg. Both are keeping their milk in and it gets increased 6 hourly. They are gaining weight nicely and are looking each day less like prems and more like new born babies. Can't wait for them to come home. Have an appointment with he pediatrician tomorrow then we will ask him how long approximately do he think they still have to stay in NICU. before they can come home.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Update 10 January 2011 6h00

Was gou vanoggend daar voor Rienk werk toe is. Gaan nogsteeds heel goed met die tweetjies.
Nika is nou 2.01kg, maar sy hou ongelukkig op die oomblik vog terug en is dit nie haar ware gewig nie. Sy kry ook nou 5ml melk per uur.
Lane het 30gram verloor van Vrydag en weeg 1.55kg. Sy het maar bietjie verloor omdat sy oor die naweek maar bietjie opgegooi het, maar dit gaan nou beter en sy kry ook nou weer Itac, ekstra voeding met 'n drippie direk in hul bloed in. Sy sal ook nou weer mooi optel.

Sondag 9 Januarie 2011, 18h00

Hi daar. Die tweetjies het 'n goeie nag en dag gehad en raak net ouliker by die dag.
Nika is nou op 4ml melk per uur en Lane op 22ml melk 3uurliks en hul altwee hou hul melk mooi in.
More is weer weeg dag en dan sal ek weer 'n update kan geen oor hul gewig.
Ons glo en vertrou dit gaan nou bly goed gaan met hulle.
Hier is weer 'n paar fotos. Rienk hou vir Lane vas en ek hou vir Nika vas.
En kyk net die handjie om pa se vinger.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

7Januarie 2011 6h00 update

Hi julle,
Ek doen bietjie 'n update in afrikaans. Dink darm die meeste van jul wat hier kom kyk is Afrikaans.
Die tweetjies kom goed aan. Nika weeg nou 1.91kg en Lane 1.58kg. Hulle was by geboorte 1.8kg en1.35kg onderskeidelik.
Lane kry 22ml melkies en as als goed gaan vandag kan hul dit later vandag opskuif na 23ml. Nika kry nou 2ml per uur en hul gaan dit ook deur die dag opskuif na 2.5ml per uur toe.
Omdat hul so klein is en daar al so baie bloed by hul getrek is gaan hul een of ander tyd bloed moet kry. Ons kan darm self vir hulle skenk, dat ons weet hul kry ons bloed, maar omdat ek nou net die keiser gehad het mag ek nie skenk nie, so Rienk gaan die skenk werk doen volgende week as hul bloedgroepe dieselfde is as ons sin. Ons altwee is darm A+ bloed, so ek glo hul sal ook A+ wees!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 January 2011 18h00 update

The girls had a good day. Lane is on 20ml milk per feeding and didn't gave anything back and Nika had 6ml and gave back 3ml.
It is such a waiting game. One day good the next day not so good.
They are adorable and so peaceful when we visit.
Will post some pictures shortly.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 January 2011 6h00 update

They did do the operation on Nika to put in the drip in a big vein yesterday afternoon. Nika now get continous feeding of 0.5ml per hour. It was a good night for te two of them, neither of them vomited.
Nika is now 1.79kg and Lane 1.55kg. Both nearly past their birth weight.

Monday, January 3, 2011

4 January 2011 6h00 update

Good morning all.
The two did not have such a good night and the vomiting continued.
They can't find a sufficient vein for Nika's drip and they have put it in her head now, it is terrible to see.
They want to get a chirug to put the drip near her shoulder in a big vein so that they don't have to move it again.
Shame my poor babies are full of blue spots of all the places they have put the drips in them.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

3January 2011 - Update

Both have gain some weight. Nika is now 1.73kg and Lane is now 1.55kg.
Nika is still struggling with her milk and is vomiting a lot. We just have to give it time.
I would have only been 34 weeks pregnant by now and they are already 2 weeks old.

Lane being cute

The first post of the Grobler twins. Here you will be able to follow the progress and he cuteness of Nika and Lané Grobler. They were born on 16 December 2010 at 32 weeks via an emergency c-section. Nika was 1.8kg and Lané was 1.35kg and both 40cm.
This is Lané being cute.